Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The real reason I don't play Alliance

1. I do not want to play a human in a game. I am a human in real life. This is not FANTASTICAL enough.

2. I do not want to be short in a game. I am short in real life. This, also, is not FANTASTICAL enough. This is also, sadly, why my dwarf hunter has made it to level two. I ran into a female dwarf on Tshaya and was like, "OMG, they're really that short!?" So now she sits at level two, all sad and lonely and catless.

3. I've only twice ever managed to create a night elf whose hair did not clash horribly with her skin (Dihas and Dayea ... and I deleted and rerolled both several times when they looked different in game than on the log-in screen). I am obsessive compulsive about colors not clashing. They must be either complimentary, or be so wildly different that they work (i.e., hot pink hair and blue skin, a la Daj), dammit. Thus, no night elves.

4. Thus, I have four draenei alts, and they are the only Alliance characters I play. But I cannot make any new draenei, because I have completely exhausted all of the non-ridiculous hairstyles and I cannot repeat previously used hairstyles.

There are other reasons I don't care much for Alliance-side, too, but it's mostly visual. If I'm going to spend hours of my life looking at a toon, I'm going to be superficial.

I overuse the word "thus" sometimes.


Cryptography said...

My gnome mage and warlock are great for a laugh, though neither is very high level. I have a female gnome warrior just for giggles. Laugh at her and she'll chop your head off at the ankles!

The only race/gender I've missed is Draenei male, though I had one for a bit and deleted him. Poor old squidfaces just look top-heavy and awkward.

I take quite some time at the character creation screen getting the character to look right, then I play with helm and cloak on, and zoomed out so far it hardly matters. Looks is important, but not as much as it seems for you.

Your other reasons for disliking alliance, hinted at in many other posts, are more like my own.

It was interesting watching the makeup of horde side guilds pre and post Burning Crusade.
Before BC, we were about 30% undead, 25% orc and the rest troll and tauren in about even portions.

For some months after TBC, we'd get people trying out the new blood elf area, and then often deleting their characters.

Now that the novelty has died down, some 40% of the guild is Blood elf!

So much for the theory that kids and chicks play ally to be pretty!

Alliance guilds tend to be Drae, Human and NE dominated, with dwarf and gnome around 10% each.

My personal favourite are probably undead. My two highest characters are both undead males.

KC said...

I've never played a male of any race, though I do have an orc guy sitting untouched on Moonguard.

Honestly, the real real reason I don't play Alliance is that, while there are a TON of really awesome Alliance-side bloggers, I can't seem to find their equivalents on any realm in large numbers. It makes me kind of sad.

And, at least in the lower levels, the questlines are pretty boring. Fight Defias bandits? Pssh, I think they have a case. Go Defias! You want me to kill how many crabs to make some talking box work? Crazy gnomes. Troggs? Yawn.

Also, I'm spoiled by VeCo. Horde-side VeCo (and probably Alliance-side, too, if the forums are any indicator) is supernaturally awesome in comparison to every other realm I've tried. Ravenholdt is leaps and bounds more awesome than Laughing Skull or Whisperwind were, but it's nowhere near as cool as VeCo.

As for why I play a blood elf... it was totally an accident. I wanted to try the starting area, then she sat and gathered dust and almost got deleted until I started reading blogs. Then I figured I'd give huntering one more try before I deleted her and the next thing I knew I was level 42.

I really am fondest of trolls, and would probably have had a troll hunter first if I'd known I was going to take her to 70. But Ideale's grown on me, so I don't mind. Plus it's good for PVP — no one expects a blood elf hunter to be even moderately decent, and their underestimating me helps me cover up my crappy PVP skills. :-D