Sunday, June 15, 2008

How my brain works

I just spent the last 2-3 hours PVPing at the Overlook in Hellfire Peninsula. I got a grand total of three kills, and spent the majority of the time getting camped or acting as bait to draw out of of the five druids and rogues hanging out. At one point, it was me, a lone level 62 hunter, versus anywhere from 5 to 9 Alliance players from 60-70 (mostly over 65), depending on which rez I was on.

It was an unproductive waste of time and I went through a ton of arrows and food and spent probably all but 20 minutes as a ghost.

My participation was an accident; I came to help at first, and whenever I tried to leave, I got ganked. Half the time, I didn't even have time to summon my pet before I was dead again.

I LOVED IT. Maybe that makes me stupid, wasting hours when I could be leveling. About all I got out of it was learning why some people sit on corpses over and over (this is both ewdisgusting and really stupidly immature), and 8 honor points. But I loved it nonetheless, and cheered the few times I actually helped bring someone down, whether with shooting or by playing the bait. And a few times, our little group of four, three 70s and me, managed to take out their group of 8-9, mostly 70s. (I was usually dead by then, but still.)

And that's how much I love PVP.

EDIT: And now I'm going to defend Thrallmar. :-O


Anonymous said...

I think this is the most appropriate of your recent entries to comment on, even though not directly addressing your post.

Dumb things I've done for fun:

"Raid" Stormwind and Darnassus as a level 15 horde.

"Raid" Undercity as an under-20 nightelf on a pvp server. Hiding INSIDE the skull in mage quarter was interesting!

On new years eve, drink the festival booze and jump off high things. The UC zep tower. TB's flightpoint tower. TB's Cliffs, then the walls of Mulgore. Take a running leap off the top of the lifts at Freewind post, getting stuck halfway up one of the mesas. (New years eve booze gives you a 30-sec featherfall effect.. "Lightheaded" )

Repeatedly get the witchdoctor at Sen'jin Village to cast his curses on you to:
Become a chicken on top of your mount.
Be blasted sky high, and getting stuck on top of the nearby hill.
Dying from falling damage after the previous effect.
Various other weird effects.

More jumping: Take a leap off several places in thousand needles that lands you in the water where the steam elementals live... you can survive the fall but can you survive aggroing too many at once?

Jump down the side walls of Ungoro crater from tanaris. Done properly and you land on various ledges part way down. Done not so well and there's a messy splat and a ghostform walk :P

Jump off the side of Teldrassil. There are a couple of places where you MIGHT survive, with featherfall or similar. I've yet to find one that works.
Swim around the edge of Teldrassil to retrieve your corpse, revive and then continue on around. Yes its a good hour or so of swimming to circumnavigate, but there's a few interesting sights to see. (go anti-clockwise to shorten the trip, and hearth once past the interesting stuff.)

Did you know that fatigue kills ghosts? Swim out or down far enough and you will see :P

In ungoro, there are many nice pools to swim in. One in particular is VERY deep.

Take a trip north along the coast from westfall, past the side of Stormwind. You used to be able to get up the sides of the mountain and appear inside stormwind, but that may have been nerfed with the latest walljump killing patch. There's still an isolated farmstead to check out.

Swim and walk south and east in Tanaris. With a little bit of magic, there's an island off the coast you can see and reach. This spot has a few monsters to kill as well as interesting terrain. Its mentioned on wowwiki for the curious.

Further south and west are a few extra places to explore... a troll village and an empty cave.

South from feathermoon stronghold is another island. Creep down its eastern side and there's an entry way into the interior. Watch out for the elite chimeras. What do they protect? (I never got past them.. should revisit now I'm nearly at level cap)
Getting to feathermoon itself on the ally boat is no mean feat for a hordie... let me suggest a short swim before docking at an ally base would be a good idea!

Logging out while in an inn... of the opposite faction!

Fishing off the pier at Auberdine... as Horde.

Clearing Stockades as horde, or RFC as alliance. (both are instances inside enemy faction cities. You WILL die.)

Walking the entire length of the deeprun tram, as both horde and alliance.

Riding right through Astranaar as horde, simply because you cant be bothered going the long way around.

Be summonned to a floating island in Nagrand... at level 24.
Watch the guildies who did the summoning try to ride their ground mounts and leap to another floating island... and fail.

Hold a guild officer meeting on top of a floating rock in the great rift north of Zangarmarsh, or a Nagrand floating island, or the top of a zangar mushroom, or....

Spend ages kiting monsters back to the guards at any of several towns. Works well for killing "sharptallon" at splintertree in the low 20's, or the fell reaver near Thrallmar in helfire.

Summon a doomguard or infernal in a town, and let him lose.

Snake-trapping, before it got nerfed.

AoE single pulls of lowbie instances on your much higher level character. Try killing ALL of RFC in a single pull.

Eyes of the beast, or warlock eye of killrog scouting.

Fight the ally NPCs at the north west end of thousand needles, using the robot pet you get for the quest to fill the phial from the moonwell.

Mistake the tower just north of the east-west road in ashenvale as being Rayens retreat, for the ordanus quest. The WRONG tower has level 45-ish sentinels, the right one has bearform druids and is a tough enough fight at the top anyway!

Anonymous said...

I wrote a long post about the dumb things I do for fun.. some are pvp related. Not sure it got through or was sacrificed to the gods of random chance and internet connections.

Anyway, combine your love of instances with PvP, and visit RageFire Chasm in org... on your ally toons. Take your hordie into stormwind to see stockades and the deeprun tram. Maybe take a stab at the gnome king at the IF end whilst there.

All stupid-but-fun things to do... particularly at really low levels, like 15 :P

(Someone took a naked gnome, presumably level 1, to die on the org mailbox. It sat there as a corpse for an entire week between server restarts, then was back again later the next week. Name: Gnomeonabox.

I admire the dedication that person had to their art! )

KC said...

Sorry, I have the filter on because I'd had this blog not 10 minutes and the one entry had, like, 16 spam messages already.

Gnomeonabox is my new hero. I almost want to copy this.

I did know that fatigue could kill ghosts, from my first attempt to take Daj into Teldrassil for PI. This still makes no sense to me. How can you die as a ghost? HOW?

I haven't tried most of the other stuff. On my list are: jump off of Outland (because it looks fun, but I want to wait until I find a pretty spot); ride the zeppelin with Tshaya; and get Dihas, my Alliance rogue, to a decent enough level that I can sneak her up to Thunder Bluff and /poke people.

I'm not into jumping off of things (it's much more fun to fly up as high as possible in Second Life and then hit the land button, and you don't die at the end), but for some reason, jumping off the edge of Outland just looks awesome.