Friday, June 6, 2008

I have an alt problem

It's bad enough that I now have five (FIVE!) hunters, but in addition to those, I also have a pally, two shamans, a mage, a priest, a warlock, a druid and as of yesterday, two rogues. (This is not counting the priest, rogue and shaman I had on Whisperwind, all in their twenties, before I deleted and rerolled on The Venture Co. and Laughing Skull.)

Most of these alts will never hit 70. I can't seem to get into the druid or the warlock, for example. I keep rolling and deleting warlocks because I always think, "Hey, they have demons, that'd be fun. Oh wait, no, I don't like this." If I kept one and got past the mid-teens, maybe I'd like the class better, but I don't learn.

The highest alts I have are the pally and one of the rogues, both hovering in the high-20s, Alliance-side. I like them both, especially the rogue (I am also a big fan of my mage and my shaman Horde-side, though I can only play Branna for a little at a time before cloth armor makes me growl and switch to Ideale or Kresha.)

So what possessed me to roll another rogue last night, instead of simply leveling my night elf rogue? I love playing Dihas.

Well, I keep talking about how I dislike playing Alliance, but I don't really think that's true. And I keep thinking that maybe I just don't like playing anything but hunters, but I don't think that's true, either. I have been focusing a lot on Ideale, because the class is awesome fun and because I restarted most of my Horde non-hunters, but my little army of alts has an average level of 15 now.

I think the problem is that I just despite Laughing Skull. Sorry, RL friends who wanted me to roll there, but the realm? Is full of rude asshats with the maturity level of a 10-year-old, none of whom can spell. (Really, it's the spelling almost as much as the rudeness. I can ignore the occasional poor speller — I'm not a total snob, and I realize not everyone is an editor in meatspace — but when every single person on the server can only spell correctly when using 1337-speak, it pulls me out of game mode hard.)

You know that one person in the battleground who has crappy gear and keeps dying, but can't help but lecture everyone else on what horrible players they are instead of actually effing playing? Imagine a realm where two-thirds of the population is that guy. Yeah, that's the Alliance side of Laughing Skull.

And while the Horde side seems pretty cool in general, there're also a handful of those six-man death squads of players at level 50ish who think it's awesome to camp on top of the inn at Lakeshore and gank you 87 times.

So ...

LF new realm for one level 30 draenei hunter and one level 27 night elf rogue. We like RP, PVP, particularly of the world variety, and killing things really fast. We're not real fond of instances and have erratic play schedules because Horde is more fun. Any suggestions? If Blizz allowed it and I hadn't filled my 10 slots already (AAAAH ALTS), I'd move them to VeCo, but alas.

(Will also be asking about in the WOW forums, crazy as that might be.)

I will leave my night elf hunter and draenei pally behind to level with my real life friends. They don't play very much, anyway (well, T does, but he's always doing AV or arena with his 70s, so yeah), and now I won't have to worry about keeping my "faves" at an equivalent level.

And in the meantime, I will be stealthing about Horde-side on Magra whenever I feel like I need a hunter break, or maybe playing one of my casters.

At some point, I should really make up bios for my hunters and a couple of selected alts on here (i.e., the ones I actually play).


Anonymous said...

10 chars per realm, 50 chars total is an alt problem.... you cant create any more!!!!

I wouldn't bother transferring level 30ish characters. Just make new ones on another realm.

Realms seem to go in cycles. Some are bad, then the leet-speakers seem to leave for a while and things are better. I've also found there isn't a dramatic difference between pvp and normal realms. Of course there's a bit less "fair" world PvP, and loads less mindless ganking on the non pvp servers.

Whichever server you go to be sure to roll an alt and play on there for a while, especially if you are going to have to pay transfer fees.

KC said...

I only have 17, so I guess that's not too bad — I'm one step ahead on the advice to play on other realms first, so I now have another shammy on Ravenholdt and another hunter on Twisting Nether (I CAN'T BE STOPPED). I really like Ravenholdt, but haven't yet played enough on TN to decide for sure.

"I've also found there isn't a dramatic difference between pvp and normal realms."

But ... but ... on normal realms I can't randomly attack people! And they can't randomly attack me back! And I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder, going "Oh crap, I just heard a stealthy noise. Wait, no, that was a bird."

Because honestly, ganking and getting ganked are my favorite parts of this game. I love PVP. I'm not a huge fan of non-PVP. If there's not a chance some rogue will stunlock me and kill me dead while I'm mid-quest, it's just too boring for me.

Although I never tried an RP-PVE server — I came to WOW as an RPer and was just too intimidated at first to try an RP realm — so maybe I'd like them better. I dunno. Once I get my two mains to 70, I might roll yet another alt on one of them to find out.

"I wouldn't bother transferring level 30ish characters."

I get way too attached to my characters to just delete them, honestly. Maybe that makes me a dork, but there you go. This is the same reason I duel-leveled two cats from level 37 on my main instead of releasing one.

If I deleted them, I'd just need to remake that exact same character on a different realm, which might take a while because I'd be sure to be a shade off on the hair or pick the style that's almost but not quite the same, and then have to start over again.

And having "re-rolled" my favorites from Whisperwind onto Venture Co. ... I really do not like re-leveling characters all over again. It is not fun. Especially characters like priests and rogues, where they die really easy in the early levels. And then I'm playing them, going, "Why can't I mind control? I'm hitting the right hotkey. Dammit, I don't know mind control yet!?" or "Vanish vanish vanish vanish vanish WHY WON'T YOU VANISH NO DON'T DIE."

I figure I'm getting a stimulus check in a couple weeks, I can blow $25 on a realm transfer. :-D

I'm chatty today. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

"But ... but ... on normal realms I can't randomly attack people! And they can't randomly attack me back! And I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder, going "Oh crap, I just heard a stealthy noise. Wait, no, that was a bird."

Yes, there is some truth in what you say.... its LESS on a normal realm, but not gone.

Just type /pvp anywhere you like and you are flagged for pvp. Numerous times, opposite faction characters will take you up on your offer and knife you in the back just like you are used to in contested zones on your pvp servers. Places like crossroads and taren mill/southshore have regular attacks, usually by bored level 70's. Outside org and stormwind are regular pvp/duel sites. Hordies often charge up through astranaar to auberdine, sometimes hitting exodar or darnassus. Allies hit crossroads so often that the horde mostly just ignores them... or some groups of 70's fly in and chase them around barrens for a while.

Theres still plenty of world pvp to be had on "normal" servers (and rp-normal as well), its just more consensual.
Theres also plenty of pve-based ways to annoy other factions, a lot of which edges into greifing play.

I'd say the "pvp-ness" is less than 10% different... and most of that difference is the pointless greifing and corpse-camping.

Turn on your /pvp flag on a non=pvp server and you will likely have all the pvp you can handle!

(yes I play both factions on both types of server, to high enough levels to see this stuff. I'm not as much a fan of pvp as you though, so am often NOT flagged.)

Anonymous said...

Just a note to prove my alt addiction:

I have reached the game cap of 50 alts. It wont let me create any more.

My alts are as follows:

Druid : 4
Hunter : 11
Mage : 5
Paladin : 2
Priest : 5
Rogue : 4
Shaman : 3
Warlock : 13
Warrior : 3

They average just a shade under level 20.

My highest is Cryptography, an undead rogue on Dath'remar.

Next highest are a warlock, hunter and two druids, followed by a bunch of warlocks and hunters. I cant seem to get into my pallies, warriors or shammies, though mages and priests are ok.

Yes, I suck at levelling... maybe the above would explain why!

KC said...

Okay, yeah, you totally win. :-D

Although I've only had the game since the end of February, so I have plenty of time to catch up.