Sunday, June 29, 2008

Captured Spirit of Summer: 350 Burning Blossoms

Embarrassing whispers from random players: Priceless.

Ahami got her Spirit of Summer last night, finally. And I was so excited, I took this screenshot to share, after several tries getting the thing positioned so it wasn't floating right where she was standing:

In fact, I was a little annoyed that it kept standing where Ahami was, but I was excited. I had a Spirit of Summer! At level 18! (And, subsequently, almost every Horde flightpath in all of Azeroth.)

Until I got a whisper from someone: "Um... did you know your privates are glowing?"

It doesn't look like it in the screenshot, because it was actually a little downhill from her there, but the thing floats just barely under crotch level and has a tendency to do this right between Ahami's legs. Which means I cannot have it out without embarrassing myself. Should have taken the fancy duds instead.

Oh well. Once I get my talbuk (taaaaaalllllbuuuuuk ... I seriously cannot see that word without saying it like that anymore, which means my roommates are giving me odd looks every time I log onto Ideale and run around Nagrand), I'll head back to Zangarmarsh and kill Bogflare Needlers for 298739 years until I get a firefly. That'll probably be crotch-level for Ahami also, but at least she won't look like she has magical lady bits.

EDIT: This seems, at least for Ahami, to be a sometimes issue. Occasionally I'll pull it out and it's knee-level, and occasionally it's a bit higher. :-/ Not sure I want to be checking every time I take it out, though.


Cryptography said...

She's a troll... probably in season, is all.

Listen to the /flirt emotes until you hear the one that starts:

"The Female Troll, when enraged......"

(also listen to the /silly emotes as well.)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you will be able to have your pet out after all, just have to wait one more patch.

Taken from the PTR patch notes:

Numerous flying non-combat pets have had their flight height modified to no longer skim along the ground: captured firefly, dragonhawk hatchlings, moths, owls, parrots, phoenix hatchling, spirit of summer, sprite darter, and tiny sporebat.