Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On tipping

Okay, I have a question. As I start collecting actual PVP gear, I have a list of what I need to do, enchant/armor kit/gem/etc.-wise. There are plenty of guide for this out there, so I've got that covered, I think.

My question is, if I get all the mats together and find an enchanter or whoever to do the work, what is an appropriate tip? I don't want to undertip someone, but I don't want to grossly overtip, either — at least, not until I've had the chance to build up my bank account.

So what's an appropriate tip for Boar's Speed or for a gem cut or etc. at level 70?

I'll probably post this in the forums, too, but they're down right now.


Cryptography said...

This ones tricky, and not something I'm particularly good at.

There are so many factors involved. How rare is the item/enchant?
Are there any materials that the crafter has to supply?
Does it involve a long cooldown?
What skill level is required?

Are they giving you a guildmember discount?

Does the crafter get anything out of the act of crafting itself? (a skillup, a new potion? )

The only skill my characters have that is high enough to be useful is lockpicking on Crypt. I usually just do it for free and refuse tips, from guildies or randoms. Then again, I make my money in other ways not with crafting.

As a very rough guide, I'd look at a 10% tip. 10% of the resale value of the crafted item, or the sum of the materials used, whichever is least.

Cryptography said...

Have you got any results on this one yet? It would be interesting to see if there's any consensus on the forums.