Sunday, June 29, 2008


I have a blogroll now. 'Bout time.

Those are the blogs I regularly or occasionally read at work, and thus have subscribed to in my Google Reader or bookmarked (a couple are on hiatus right now, but I'm hoping they will start not being on hiatus soon). I have others bookmarked at home, but I'm a loser and have not matched them up. There wasn't a sentence here.

I debated a "Resources" list. There are a lot of sites I spend hours on regularly (from Petopia and WoWWiki to the cesspit that is the official forums — just kidding, forums, I love you!), but everyone pretty much knows where they are and it's not like this is a blog like BRK or Hunter's Mark that focuses a lot on class mechanics and theorycrafting and stuff. So for now, no resources.

Do I really need to explain a blogroll? Geez, I'll talk needlessly about anything. *wanders off*


Pike said...

Oooooh, I'm on your blogroll *feels special*

KC said...

Actually, your blog was one of the very first I found (when I was researching Venture Co., actually). It's been so awesome and helpful. :-D