Friday, June 20, 2008

Nagrand and talbuks

I've read on several blogs that Nagrand is one of the prettiest places in WOW, so since I was just a hop up the road in Zangarmarsh last night and didn't have time to get another quest in before bed, I figured I'd run over, look around, and pick up the flight path.

It really is gorgeous. Not the stark beauty of Thousand Needles or Winterspring, but it is a soft, peaceful kind of place. And talbuks are absolutely adorable. I made a (thankfully unwatched) fool of myself running and spinning around with a little herd right after I got into the zone (and didn't aggro anything in the process!). For, like, 20 minutes. (I did this with the turtles in Hillsbrad, too, and would have with the moths in Azuremyst if draenei spun around when they jumped. I like cute animals way too much.)

It was a bit of a scare when everyone in the Horde outpost was an almost-red, until I figured out they were Unfriendly, not Hostile.

Before I flew back, though, I saw that the Horde controlled Halaa, so I thought I'd better run in and check it out while I could — I don't know how often it's under Alliance control or when. I peeked around, looked in the buildings, checked out the stuff at the quartermaster, and — wait, dark riding talbuk? Those cute things I was squeeing over!? I CAN RIDE ONE!?

So now I can keep my battleground marks (and my gold) a little longer, because I am holding out for a talbuk. WANT.


Anonymous said...

Mania comes to the rescue again:

You will be up for another longish rep grind though.

Anyone else reading and posting stuff here? (Mania did once at least)

KC said...

You know, I'd seen links to the mounts site from Petopia, but was so fixated on my kodo, I never actually checked it out.

Honestly, I don't mind rep grinds that much. The only reason I'm not exalted anywhere with Ideale except Tranquillien is my impatience to get at least one toon to 70 and comfortable before Wrath of the Lich King comes out (which means getting Honored with half of Outland so I can get some decent starter PVP gear to fill in whatever S2 stuff I can't afford). My first troll shaman was actually almost revered with Ratchet before I ever got out of the Barrens just from killing pirates (I didn't realize that quests gave rep at first and wanted to be exalted, so I just kept killing pirates and nothing else for, like, four levels. Then I found out the quests gave rep, too, and did all of those).

I don't know if anyone but you or Mania is reading here (and honestly, considering how much of a noob I am, that's probably a good thing, lol).