Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The worst thing ever


There is so much I need to do before Nov. 13, including level Ahami to at least the late 60s and run most of these Outland dungeons to learn what the hell I'm doing, earning gold, trying out new specs in PVP, picking Outland herbs to get the last 45 points in inscription, getting Ahami some semi-decent gear so I don't get ROFLstomped when the expansion hits, planning a Halloween party, planning this Saturday's Rumble in the Jungle, and planning a certain sneaky thing. And that's just in game. I have a life, too, that I want to work around.

And what am I doing? Running around Stranglethorn Vale making discoveries. That don't even grant XP because I am on Ideale, of course, and she's at the level cap. *facepalm*

... And when I get home from work tonight (and after I spend some much-needed time with my kittycats, who have been a bit neglected for the past few days), I have already mapped out the quickest routes through Duskwood, Elwynn Forest, Westfall, Redridge and Deadwind Pass. *more facepalm* And I threw out Cartographer so I could see where I hadn't visited yet on the map. *repeat*


Cryptography said...

Theres no rush at all for this. Achievements will still be available well into the expansion.

I'm a little disapointed with wow's current record keeping, particularly in azeroth dungeons. I've killed every single mob in the stockades dungeon, yet havent been credited. Many of the areas of azeroth that I thought I had fully explored, are missing parts that I KNOW i've visited. Mostly its the older areas that are missing, so perhaps they were only catching data in the last 6 months or so.

Anyway, its great to have bag and bank space back now that mounts and pets are spells.

I made a bunch of gold last night reselling horde faction common pets on the horde AH. More money could be made flipping them over the neutral AH to opposite faction players, since the limited bank space is no longer an issue... I know I'm a potential customer for some aliance side pets!

Many many changes to get used to in the new patch. Loving most of it so far.

Anonymous said...

I took Lunapike to Teldrassil today.

Got snuck up on by a druid and promptly beat the stuffing out of him >.>

KC said...

@cryptography — I keep repeating that to myself: "WoW isn't going anywhere, you don't have to do this right now" etc.

As far as credit, it is a little weird. So far, all of my maps have been accurate — the only places I've needed to visit for exploration credit I KNOW I haven't, so I wasn't too worried about that. The dungeons, though, are a bit weird — I've soloed every lowbie dungeon on Ideale (except for Stockades) up to Maraudon, but only about half of them are credited. I haven't gone into ANY dungeons on her in over a month. Meanwhile, I have cleared both Ramps and BF on Ahami several times in the past two weeks, but only got credited for Ramps.

So yeah, some weirdness. I'm hoping someone will put some Alliance pets on the neutral AH soon — I'd been waiting until after the new tabs to get them for Ahami, to save bank space, but hadn't counted on achievements (including pet ones) going through before the expansion. There's NOTHING on the neutral AH. It's crazy. I, too, am having a blast so far. :-)

@Pike — *cheer* I can't wait to try out some PVP on Ideale. The battlegrounds have been so buggy I've been afraid to go in, though. Hopefully I'll run across a few takers while exploring around Elwynn in a bit, though.

Was it weird after having Tawyn in Teldrassil for patch logout?

Pike said...

Not so much weird, I ran around for a little bit, respec'd, and then hearthed.