Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Darn you, Hellfire Peninsula!

So the guild was supposed to raid the Exodar today, but I am bad at planning and thus we ended up very short on manpower. I switched to Ahami to work on leveling her instead, but I'm barely into 62 and sick of Hellfire Peninsula and v-e-r-y-s-l-o-w-k-i-l-l-i-n-g but too stubborn to respec elemental for a few levels. I am almost free — just have a handful of quests left before I can head to Zangarmarsh, and I figure I can run Ramps or Blood Furnace a couple more times before I go to hit 63.

But I really didn't feel like that tonight. Nor did I feel like running AB or grinding rep — I think I've hit a "What's the point? It's all gonna be worthless in a month anyway" slump.

So I am putting that off for today — back to the grind tomorrow, maybe — and instead I rolled a mage named Lalahon. On a PVE server (Feathermoon). Alliance-side. I give her to level 12 before I delete, but hey, you can't say I never try new things, right? (Actually, if I can hold out to Arcane Explosion, I think I might be able to stick with her at least to my usual Alliance quit-point of 30.)

It is kind of fun to be on a totally new server without higher level characters to send me money and gear and stuff, though, I have to say.

EDIT: So I went from 1-14 in one fell swoop, with the help of a nice level 30 warrior who let me tag stuff and then killed it dead for me for about two levels in the middle. I figured if I didn't, I would stall out at 10. I forgot how much I love the draenei questline, though — that'll help get me to at least the 20s, I bet.

I think it'll be kind of fun to play around with other classes and see the Alliance side of things — which is part of the reason I picked a PVE server this time around. Maybe if it's easier, I will be able to actually get past 30. (And honestly, PVPing as Alliance feels horribly wrong anyway.) It's not like I have any long-term goals, and if I ever do hit end-game and change my mind, I can always transfer to a PVP server.

Plus a lot of cool bloggers are on Feathermoon, so I figure that it must have something going for it. So far people seem nice.

I really feel like I'm cheating on VeCo, though. I even made a troll mage and gave up before I got out of the Valley of Trials because it just wasn't as fun, and then felt horribly guilty.


Cryptography said...

Ohhh! an opportunity for you to try my money gathering hints.

Let me know how it goes!

KC said...

I'll do what I can, but I like to do things the slow and stupid way. :-D