Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back to your regularly schedule whatever

My framerate in Shatt is 32 fps, with the video settings all on High. 32! With the video settings on low on my old comp, 11 fps was the absolute best I ever got.

Holy crap, people.

Also, no more lag issues. Hooray! I think the patch just pretty much killed my video card entirely.

But yeah, I'm back in game, and will be spending the next few days leveling a wasp, trying to get these necrotic rune things, and leveling Ahami as much as I can. And I want to throw up something here soon (before the expansion, perhaps) about post-patch Outland for the resto shaman, and a PVP review of the 40/21/0 spec I never got to truly test out on Ideale.

EDIT: Did you know that there are scrubby little bushes all over Durotar? And that the snow in Winterspring sparkles? 'Cause I totally didn't.

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