Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And thoughts on new specs

I am trying out a 53/0/8 spec on Ideale and I'm really not sure I like it. I'm pretty sure I will be switching back to BM/MM (probably 55/6/0), but I want to test it out in PVP first, and I'm too busy playing with the barbershop for that right now. *facepalm* I'm noticing, though, that while Cinnamon's DPS went up, mine went down a bit more with the loss of the MM talents I had, so my DPS is actually a little lower. (Yay target dummies in Silvermoon City, though!) So I'll play around for a couple of days and then switch back if I don't find a groove or it's not significantly better in PVP.

My pet specs will definitely need tweaking — since they only cost 10s to respec, I just went with experimental (i.e., whatever sounded good) builds and figure I will mess around on my own until Wrath comes out, then go find a nice theorycrafted spec for each of my pets to level with.

I miss the autoshot clipping (honestly, it never bothered me, but this shooting while I'm shooting thing kinda does).

Haven't logged onto Ahami yet, but her spec will be full resto, and doesn't matter much yet because she's only 62.93ish. I will be going to level inscription when I finish Ide's hair, though. And Ahami's hair. And playing with stuff like achievements.

I am so not sleeping tonight.

EDIT: It amuses me that my unbuffed health on Ide is 9999. Though Gutripper's is no longer 6666.

EDIT II: These Exploration achievements are addictive. And since I have Cartographer off, I can finally see the unexplored parts of my map.

EDIT III: I am at about 130 inscription (and discovered a druid glyph!), have new haircuts on half my peeps, explored for over an hour on Ide to fill in my maps (have half the Eastern Kingdoms done!) and did specs for all of her pets and all of the folks I currently play. I think it's bedtime.

Inscription is FUN. But not as fun as achievements.

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