Sunday, October 12, 2008

Top five pets I want to tame but can't

5. Moongraze stag — or any stag, really. How cool would it be to have a stag at your side? They could have the special attack "Antler toss: The stag tosses your enemy X feet away, causing Y damage." As a bonus, it could be an interrupt.

4. Giant snail. I know there are no giant snails in WoW. You have no idea how sad this makes me.

3. Elekk. If it can be domesticated well enough to ride and if its cousin the rhino can be tamed, why not an elekk? Besides, night elves ride cats, orcs ride wolves, and trolls ride raptors, so it's not like mounts and pets are mutually exclusive. (Side note: Why do we never see hawkstriders in the wild?)

2. Kodo. See #3.

And last but not least,

1. Feral druid. I suppose, to be fair, it would have to be a temporary tame with the same limits as Mind Control, but it'd totally make up for our non-instant Scare Beast.

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