Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've been avoiding WotLK news

And thus totally missed that hunters are getting royally screwed until a guildie made a list of all the ways. AND we're not getting Camouflage after all.

WTF BLIZZ. WTF. It's not like we needed the nerfs or anything, right? I mean, yeah, hunters are somewhat OP for PVE, but even some of the best PVPers, who did quite well in arenas and in PVP on their hunters (I'm mainly thinking of Megatf here) have said the class is broken. So breaking it more is gonna help?

Dammit, I want my Camouflage. That and the spirit beast were the biggest things I was looking forward to in the expansion.

The devs are a bunch of poofaces.

EDIT: Okay, so I did a bunch of research, and it seems that Camouflage will stay in live, but will be a Survival-only ability instead of for all hunters. Lame.

Well, good thing I am leveling a Survival hunter. Though she is, sadly, only level 25 right now.


Anonymous said...

I haven't been keep up with the hunter news either...can we get a look at this spreadsheet? I'm now worried for my favorite class. :(

KC said...

Unfortunately, it's just a list in a private forum message. I don't know if there is a spreadsheet listing the changes. But it basically breaks down to this: Wrath will ship with Aspect of the Viper broken, they're nerfing Aimed Shot, Master's Call (to break stuns) will not be usable when stunned (WTF?), and we are not getting Camouflage or Bear Trap.

So our pets will be awesome, but we'll be close to useless (at least in PVP — although apparently Steady Shot will cost far more mana and Aspect of the Viper cuts our damage to the point of uselessness, so I imagine that in PVE we will be pretty screwed too).