"Well, what do you need more? DPS or heals?" Heals was the diagnosis, and the prescription (yes, I did just get that corny) was Recruit-a-Second-Account. If I had stuck with the pally, we could have just power-leveled her, but I explained my extreme dislike and boredom with single-target healing (and borderline boredom with five-target healing), and they decided a reroll was acceptable.
BFF rolled her own magey to chill with me (and she recruited me, so she can powerlevel said mage at the same time). We figure that, when we hit 60, I will transfer my shaman back over to my main account and cancel (or after 2 months, so she can get the mount). The original plan was that I would keep it and transfer my twinks over there, so I could keep them on a classic account and not have to worry about leveling myself out of AV, but I had to upgrade to Burning Crusade to make a shaman Alliance-side. Stupid Alliance with their fancy draenei. (Kidding, mostly.)
And oh, the powerleveling there was. We sat down with drinks and snacks, her in New York and me in California (and man, is it fun to actually have something to DO instead of just talk on the phone while we watch TV) and bumrushed level 10, and then BFF's fiance brought his mage out and ran us through Deadmines. Three hours, 16 levels, and plans for another 2-3 hour session on Monday. EDIT: Oh, and that s.o.b. Hogger went DOWN, by the way. And it totally still counts if a 70 kills him for you. Totally. /EDIT The goal is (I think) to have me to or past 60 by the time the expansion hits. Something about healing for them in the expansion.
And since I have two accounts for now, I might — might! — do the crazy thing and reroll my priest or a mage (or both!) on account two, then multibox while Ideale and Ahami solo-run classic instances for the achievements. But probably not, because I don't want to have to pay to transfer toons back and forth between accounts, and three
I will also be transferring Tshaya over to Blackhand when I get a little spare cash, but account numero dos was a little unplanned, so it'll wait until next month or so. I plan to level her up, too, so that I can earn some golds and maybe see what the Alliance-side quests are like (powerleveling apparently means getting run through instances 8 jillion times, so I won't actually see new quests until the 70-80 marathon). I'm leaving my magey on Feathermoon for now. I really like the server, and don't really want to move her. I might make a Horde alt over there, too. I like having a server I can escape to when I'm feeling antisocial, with no end-game aspirations.
In other news, Ahami is getting back to her roots. She hit 14 right as the Midsummer Festival arrived, and made it all the way to 19 honoring and extinguishing fires. Well, she dinged 64 this morning after trick-or-treating all around old Azeroth, and she's close to done with Outland — just Netherstorm and Shattrath to go.
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