Friday, October 17, 2008

A tragic end

The troops were already gathering in Splintertree Post — and rumors said there was a small crew at Zoram'gar Outpost as well — when Cinnamon and I arrived late that night. I had spent some time training with the hunters of Thunder Bluff and the Farstriders of Eversong Woods, and wanted to put my new skills to the test, so when one of the band's leaders offered me a place in the raid, I agreed without hesitation.

Like a flock of birds gathering for the migration, more fighters came, leaving on false starts and returning with more as the force gathered to a mighty group of 40, and finally, a false start turned true and we thundered toward Auberdine, determined to pirate a ship and bring vengeance upon the night elf city of Darnassus. The night elves and the Alliance as a whole had been staging small attacks on Horde settlements for two days, and it was time we responded emphatically.

The boat was taken with ease, and we stormed through the portal at Rut'theran Village, entering the city uncontested. The lack of a response was troubling, but we had attacked under the cover of darkness, so we put it out of our minds. We pushed on to the temple where the night elf priestess Tyrande Whisperwind spends her time, determined to lay a blow far more terrible than any Alliance attack on Tarren Mill or Freewind Post could be.

As we entered the temple gardens, though, we knew something was wrong. The guards were far stronger than they had any right to be. That should have been our first clue, but since we managed them with few casualties and nothing our healers could not care for, we still pushed on. We had a duty to do, and we were determined to carry it out, before the overly gentle Warchief had a chance to put a stop to our actions.

And then we entered the temple itself, and found that our plans had been made in too much haste. We'd heard rumors, of course, that the priestess had recently found new power, but we didn't realize how great it had become until we faced her.

The destruction was terrible and one-sided, and it was a wonder any of us escaped with our lives. We returned to Splintertree Post to regroup. It seems that none of us, for all of our training and battle experience, was ready yet to face the new power of the Alliance.

But along with the rumors of the Alliance's new power, we had heard rumors of a new battle with the Scourge in the frozen north — and after the first set proved to be true, we chose not to disregard this new information. Surely this new war would give us all a chance to hone new skills and gain new power of our own. We failed in revenge that night, but we'd have another chance, and this time, we would be prepared ...

So yeah, we got a full PUG raid together at about 2 a.m. Thursday to try and down Tyrande. Nearly everyone was 70 and a good number were in S4 and T6 gear. And we found out, the hard way, that the city guards and leaders have all been buffed for 80 already. We essentially got one-shotted. Twice. The whole raid.

One of the guild officers from a T6 guild said that Tyrande was hitting harder than pre-patch Brutallus.

Not a good night for the Horde. But damn, was it fun!

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