Friday, September 5, 2008

Weird conversations III

I swear, the conversations I have in game make me laugh.

Random person A: i hear you're the best hunter on the server
Me in game: Someone lied to you. I'm not even close!
A: we really need another cc for heroic sethekk halls
Me: Sorry, I don't do instances and I'm neutral with Lower City. Good luck, though.
A: :(

Well, I guess ego stroking probably works on some people. But seriously, you're going to try and pull that "best [class] on the server" with someone in random crap and PVP epics? Who isn't even close to the rep needed for that instance? Really? If I was the best hunter on the server, wouldn't I be in gear from 25-man stuff or have a few pieces of S4, at the least? At least inspect someone before you go sucking up to them, come on.

This was especially funny as he whispered right after I got gang-murdered by, like, seven Dawnblade dudes because I broke my own trap. Twice. (I will blame the fact that I rearranged my action bar to making PVP kiting easier — moved everything useful to the left and now Serpent Sting is right where Distracting Shot used to be. It seems to have helped, too — I kited a paladin around for over four minutes yesterday, whereas my previous kiting attempts in PVP have lasted about a minute at most. He could have just sucked, though.)

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