Wednesday, September 24, 2008

And with this, I lose all interest in the expansion

MMO Champion has a post detailing the Wrath of the Lich King PVP gear for level 80.

Here is the cost for the basic blue Savage Gladiator gear:
Chest - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
Hands - 0 AR - 3600 HP and 200 AP
Head - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
Legs - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
Shoulder - 0 AR - 4800 and 275 AP
MH Weapons - 0 AR - 8400 HP and 475 AP
OH Weapons & Items - 0 AR - 3600 HP and 200 AP
Shields - 0 AR - 6000 HP and 350 AP
2H Weapons - 0 AR - 12000 HP and 700 AP
Caster 1H Weapons - 0 AR - 10000 HP and 575 AP
Ranged Weapon - 0 AR - 12000 HP and 700 AP
Throwing Weapon - 0 AR - 3200 HP and 175 AP
Wands & Relics - - 0 AR - 3200 HP and 175 AP

See the AP cost? That's arena points.

To get the basic blue PVP set — the equivalent of the blue set that was purchasable for PVE rep in the Burning Crusade — players will have to actually PVP and earn honor. This is fantastic. Players will also have to do arena.

That freaking sucks.

Basically, in order to be BARELY competitive in the battlegrounds — the only part of WoW that I like other than rep grinding — I have to do arenas, something that I am not even remotely interested in doing. And considering the gap between the Savage Gladiator gear and the Deadly Gladiator gear, I will still get roflstomped.

Um, if I wanted to duel, I'd go hang out outside of Orgrimmar. Or buy "Tekken." That way I can trash-talk my roommate (and vice versa) while we play and I don't have to spend $15 a month on it.

You know what? I have said since the first day I entered a battleground to whiners saying, "Just lose so I can get my marks" that if you don't want to do battlegrounds, don't do them. No one's making you. If you're not going to PVP, why bother getting PVP gear?

Well, as far as I am concerned, Blizzard is requiring me to arena in order to do the one part of the game I like. And you know what? I'm not going to shuffle for the man like a good little casual player just so the arena elitists can strut around in their epics. I fully plan to find a partner each week and dance my way to a loss in 10 games as fast as possible. Naked. And if the arena players who whined about how battleground PVPers getting access to outdated arena gear was devaluing their accomplishments don't like it, tough. They're the ones who caused this epic bullshit in the first place, and if that means that they get their fun taken away? Well, they took away mine, so they can suck it.

You want to whine about welfare epics? See who really has the welfare epics when you earn your 2200 rating versus 2 good teams and 8 teams of naked dancers every week — because if the forums are any indication, there is a huge chunk of PVPers who don't want to arena and will probably lose their way to blues rather than participate.

And if it sucks too bad? Well, I'll cancel my WoW account. Because this is actually game-breaking for me. I just wish I'd known this was coming before I bothered investing time and $15 a month on my toons, dragged my real life friends over, and made friends in game. I'd have saved myself a lot of frustration.


Cosmos said...

I have never, and probably never will support the direction (backwards) the arenas are going.

They were solid for S1 and 2, but then started going very, very wrong.


KC said...

I just think it kind of sucks that if you want to do raids, you can get awesome gear, and if you want to do five-man dungeons, you can get awesome gear, and if you want to do arenas, you can get awesome gear, but if all you want to do is battlegrounds and world PVP, you can only get really good but outmoded gear.

And now, in the expansion, all of the above will be true except if you just want to do battlegrounds, you won't get any gear at all.

(Well, I guess you can get pretty good but not awesome gear from the five-mans, but $10 says that some sort of badge system or heroics are available within months of release.)

I don't care if they bring back the old ranking system that made it incredibly hard to get anything but blues. At least it'd be something to work for and you could progress. But with this arena focus, players who want PVP battles instead of duels or PVE get totally shafted.

Sorry for all the ranting, I'm just really frustrated about this. Honor reset? Yeah, cool, whatever. Rogues able to see and disable traps from outside the flare radius. Bummer, but oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles.

Needing arena points to be able to do battlegrounds? Screw that. WTB Warhammer for Macs, plz.

Pike said...

Ew, arena =/

Tell ya what though. Lunapike will be 70 by then, we can do naked 2v2s ;)

KC said...

Haha, I am so in.