Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last post on arenas

I think the worst part about this is the developers KNOW that people will simply AFK for arena points. They don't care, because this falsely boosts arena participation, and many of the arena players don't care because it will boost their ratings (although the serious arena players probably don't want to face dancing AFKers any more than the serious battleground players do).

Well, screw that. I love World of Warcraft and I love my characters and the time I put into them, and I love my friends and my guild and how awesome they are. I'm not going to let this ruin things for me yet.

And I'm sure as hell not going to participate, either. I'm not going to be forced into propping up some 12-year-old's ego. I will NOT be stepping foot into the arenas.

I'm going to be finding a new niche in the expansion. I will level Ideale up to 80 and see what it's like. Maybe I'll try some PVE — the few times I've done instances with guildies, it has actually been fun, I guess, and with so many 10-man raids in the expansion, maybe I'll have fun with that. I'll give it a shot. Or maybe I'll spend my time gathering and crafting. I really enjoy that aspect of the game.

I will leave Ahami at 70 at first — and if 80 sucks, I can still play the battlegrounds without getting one-shotted over and over. And I can level my other toons to 60 and 70 and stop them there, too. If 80 is okay, I can drag Ahami up to heal. Will I ever have more than two 80s? Probably not, if they don't fix the PVP — I simply refuse to do arenas, and since I can play the battlegrounds at 60 and 70 without them, my toons will stop there.

And if, after a few months of that, I get bored? If world PVP absolutely SUCKS with level 80 quest greens? If I get sick of being constantly ganked? I am on a PVP server, and since this is where my friends are, I'm not going to pay to transfer to PVE and I'm certainly not going to bother rerolling. I'll just cancel, if that happens, and give Warhammer a whirl. I hear they have real PVP over there, and I can still have kitties. Even if there's no Mac version by then, there'll be some sort of hack that'll let me play on a decent OS, I'm sure.

Sidenote: Grats, Blizzard, on making me actually consider this — I had absolutely no intention or interest in trying Warhammer until now. Not like losing one of 8 million subscribers actually matters, though. /bitter

And I'm done. No more on the topic. Back to the usual pointless rambling about cats virtual and real, and wishing I was still excited over the expansion like I was a week ago.

Okay, seriously, no more bitter.

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