Friday, September 12, 2008

There is something wrong with me

I feel like I have been posting a lot more about shamaning than huntering lately. This is partly because I've been like "OMG NEW STUFF!" every two levels on Ahami, and mostly because there are just so many awesome hunter blogs out there that I don't feel like I have much to offer on that front. Not that I have much to offer on the shaman front, either, but still.

So, to get back to my roots, this is why I called the blog "The Kitty Collector" in the first place:

Regularly-played characters
Ideale: Cinnamon, elder springpaw lynx; Saffron, ridge stalker
Ahami: Fog, white kitten (mini-pet); Siamese banked for the expansion release (I don't have room for a ton of pets yet)
Kresha: Tack, a Durotar tiger
Onashne: not-yet-named silver tabby, and she will be able to BE A KITTY in two levels

This is in addition to the planned kitty acquisitions, which include the black tabby (been farming it but no luck yet), Kresha's shadowmaw panther (six levels to go!) and two yet-to-be-decided hunter-kitties when Wrath comes out.

Rarely-played Alts
Daj: Serai, a snow leopard
Tshaya: Onryo, a ghost saber
Dihas: Shadow, cornish rex (mini-pet)
Dayea: Apple, a springpaw lynx; Rain, a nightsaber stalker

And of course, Sparrow and Klio in real life right now (but not the 87 other cats I might have if my roommate and mother did not block my cat-gathering attempts on a weekly basis), with very fond memories and many photos of Ditto and Taffy, my first "babies." My dream is to someday earn enough money that I can buy a 5-acre plot somewhere and fill it with cats and horses (my other obsession — I have pictures of my bedroom from the fourth grade, and it looks like Horsetopia — were there such a magical place, that's what it would be named, I swear — exploded onto my walls).

... I need help.

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