Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Naming characters

I know that some people don't spend a ton of time naming their characters — as evidenced by players with names such as "Ihealukill" and "Orczpwn" in the battlegrounds — but for me, the name is intrinsic to the character. Maybe it's my stifled, repressed role-player coming out (poor thing), but I spend more time laboring over the right name for my characters than I do choosing the right appearance (and I spend far too much time on that).

I don't really have a set way of naming my characters.

Ideale's name was from my list of "I want to try this class/starting zone, so let me make a throwaway character" names, mostly pulled from mythology. I am glad I picked that one, though, as it fits her quite well — it's very blood elfy — and it's really a gorgeous name. Although, honestly, I probably ought to have taken herbalism for her instead of mining; Ideale is the goddess of the harvest. (Four of my defunct Alliance characters got their names the same way. One of the names, Mayari, I'd love to reuse, but it seems a very night elfy name to me.)

Ahami was one of my characters from Materia Magica. It's a name that, as far as I know, I made up, though I probably heard it somewhere. I don't know why I picked it for my troll shaman, other than that it sounded like it could be a troll's name and I missed it. It fits her better than it ever did my MM character, though. (Tshaya, my draenei hunter, was also named for an old role-playing character.)

Daj and Kresha were also made up, mostly just playing with sounds. Daj was a variant of a character I made up for a series of short stories I wrote in high school, named Daija — she was the incarnate of fire. Since Daj was originally a shaman, it seemed appropriate. Now she's a hunter, of course, and again, the name doesn't quite fit. Daija didn't sound trollish enough to me, so I ditched some letters. Kresha just sounded nice and seemed fitting for an orc.

Onashne — I have to admit, I was playing with the name generator on the character creation screen and liked it so much I had to make a character with the name.

Gabi, the little shadow priest who will probably be reborn as a death knight in the expansion, was named because "gabi" means "evening" — I knew she was going shadow from the beginning. Too bad I hate playing a priest.

I mostly wrote this because I'm constantly curious as to how others name their characters, and assume everyone else is, too. *whistles innocently*


Cryptography said...

OK, I'll bite.

I too generally spend a fair bit of time with names and apperance... even for throwaway characters.

Some are RP names. A handful used the random name generator, then usualy modified somewhat.
Some are recycled from other games I've played, either computer or pen-paper rpg's.

A very few are stolen either directly or indirectly from fantasy literature.

For my main server on Dath, I've gone with a theme. Most are normal words that have some tie to the character's race or class.

Cryptography, Undead Rogue male. - sneaky dead dude.
Decrypted - Undead Warrior male. - again, a dead dude.
Afterdeath - Undead Priest female - She's seen the afterlife and it SUCKS!
Mortified - Undead Mage female - She wouldnt be caught dead looking like this... oh wait....
Rigormortis - Undead Warlock male - Hes good at making stiffs out of mobs.
Insolence - BloodElf Warlock female - This chick is a bitch from hell!
Kytlin - Orc Hunter female - A pun on Caitlin and huntering.
Cyanade - Troll Shaman female - Shes poisonous and green, yet has a bubbly personality.
Methane - Tauren Druid male - A nature loving cow.. what more needs to be said!
Ashnazg - BloodElf Paladin male - A tolkien rip-off, Ash Nazg is "One ring" in black speech. Blood elf pallies are pure unadulterated evil, yet arrogantly believe they are on the one true path to righteousness. This guy is so slimy I have trouble playing him!

I liked Afterdeath and Insolence enough that I have duplicate names on other servers. All the others of my 50 alts are uniquely named.

My alts on VeCo are Traceabull and Changeabull, Tauren male hunter and druid respectively. I'm fond of the names, but not on an RP server.

Over on Cael, my Allies are Shortfused, a cranky little gnome male warlock, with flaming red hair and a wicked goatee, and Caleban, a male spacegoat hunter. Caleban are ripped off from the writings of Fank Herbert.

KC said...

Haha, I like Shortfused and Methane. I'd have guessed Caleban came from Shakespeare, though. :-/