Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Must ... not ... level

I do not get my zhevra until the 26th. It is the 16th. Ahami is level 59.

So my options?

1. PVP! I've parked her in Thunder Bluff. My goal? 100 marks each from the three battlegrounds I can currently get into. Why? Well, I need a few AB and AV marks for the gear I want at 70, and I figure I can turn the rest in for honor once I can get into Eye of the Storm.

2. Play on Ideale more. (This is my favorite option — I have been neglecting her a bit while I level Ahami and play on Daj and Onashne, and I miss her.) I am working on the S2 crossbow for her, so I can do a bit of that. I also have four more points to go in jewelcrafting and just need to farm adamantite to get them, and I would like to max out my SSO rep and start working on either Sha'tari Skyguard or Netherwing. Plus, money from dailies is sorely needed after my irresponsible spending spree.

3. Get Kresha to 29 and start PVPing in anticipation of twinkage. (This will probably end up being put on hold until after the expansion.) After a lot of consideration, I decided to switch Kresha and Daj in my future plans. I just like trolls better and I prefer Daj's personality. (Sorry, orcs!) So the new goal is Daj to end-game (which will probably be 80 by the time we get there, but whatever) and Kresha to either 59 or 60 to be a high-level twink. I also want to do this with an elemental shaman.

... Basically, I get to PVP a lot for now. Then level Ahami, then PVP a lot more until Nov. 13. And then level to 80 and PVP forever until the next expansion. Yay!

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