Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New zone, new pet

I love Sholazar Basin. Ideale, however, has only done one quest there, despite having the achievement for exploring the whole thing, plus about six hours of /played.

I've been hunting Loque'nahak. I did a few rounds yesterday on talbuk, and then dinged 77 and finished Dragonblight today and started Loque hunting in earnest. While I saw Loque twice (dead both times) on Ahami while she leveled from 77 to 80 in Sholazar, he was quite good at hiding today.

However, terrified that I would lose Cinnamon, I stabled him and tamed a rhino as a temp pet. It turned out to be a good choice; Ideale hates how Rhino blocks her when she's mining, and Rhino hates how the only food Ideale has are some dried out Telaari Grapes that might have been gummed by a lightning bug at some point. And also how she named him Rhino. I don't think I will have a bit of trouble when it comes time to set him free and tame Loque — should that time ever come.

I've always had luck with rares, so I'm betting that this time, when I actually care, it will vanish on me and I will never find him. But hey, if it was easy, what would be the point?

I figure I'll search intensely for a few days, but after that, it's not going to interrupt my life, either out of game or in game. It'll happen or it won't.

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