Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Loque Watch '09 update

I haven't seen hide nor hair of Loque since the time he killed me. I'm not giving up, but I miss Cinnamon. Gorilla was fun for a while, but now I'm like, "Okay, Gorilla, let's finish these quests so I can send you home! Buh-bye now!"

So I think I will finish up the Basin — I have a handful of quests to go — and then move on to Icecrown. If I find Loque before then, awesome, I will be ecstatic. If I do not, I will wait until I have my epic flyer (mining while Loque hunting has gotten me halfway to the training) and then put in a couple of days here and there, because aside from working on the Elder title with Ahami, I've done nothing but look for Loque for over a week.

I'm going to trust that someday, I will be in the right place at the right time again, and next time I won't screw it up. In the meantime, I want to continue to do the other stuff I love in the game, like PVP, the holidays, and maybe playing other toons sometimes.

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