Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Death knights on any realm

I saw that in the general chat. This makes me happy, because I really want to redo the death knight starting zone, but do not want to reroll my current death knight.

Of course, this means that I will add a swath of incomplete DK alts across nine servers (one for each race!) to my pile of level 25 Alliance alts.

Other changes:

Mania has the list of hunter changes, so I won't bother with those. My Arcane Shot costs less now, so that makes me happy. I've always used it in my "shot rotation" when soloing because I use it a lot in PVP and don't do instances on my hunter, so I never really worried about mana conservation or the proper ways of doing things. But now it costs less mana! So I can kite paladins longer in PVP — which is good, because those bastards never die.

Arcane Torrent has diminishing returns now. :-( Not that I am close enough to melee people to use it in PVP much, but still.

Important for world PVP — 60 graveyards have been added to old Azeroth. Please, WoW gods, have added one closer to Stormwind. That is the worst corpse run in the game, no contest.

Wisp got a buff!

I'm a bit miffed that they nerfed the quest requirement for Loremaster of Kalimdor. I realize that 700 quests is a lot, but really, why make this achievement easy? It should be time-consuming. I swear, if they nerf it again and there are 8 billion Loremaster Irhealzorz running around, I will ... complain about it and otherwise do nothing. (Let's be realistic here.)

Same with the aquatic form quest. I really liked that quest on Onashne. In fact, I really like all of the ability-granting quests, and kind of wished there were more — it is more immersive and feels like you are really earning the abilities. (For example, I LIKED training pet abilities by learning them from animals in the wild. It would have been nice if you could learn them with a temp tame stick like with the level 10 quest, or by fighting the animal, so you didn't have to have a stable slot free, but I LIKED it. I feel bad for new players who will never get to experience this stuff. I also LOVED the totem quests on my shaman.)

I get a free shaman respec! So long, PVE healing build. Hello, shorter stun durations and fewer pushbacks! And they fixed Fire Nova Totem. Which means I can actually use it for something other than making pretty flame poofs while waiting for people to hit the flag room in WSG.

Hooray for trading inks! I need Snowfall Ink badly. I have a bag full of Ink of the Sea (I am dead serious, I have the worst luck milling Icy Pigment).

Double hooray for mining not sucking so bad anymore! One hit gets you everything in the node. While I liked mining fine the slow way on PVE realms, one member of our rival guild seemed to always be mining at the same time as me and constantly ganked me all through Outland (since he was a mage and in top arena gear, it wasn't hard), and mining is a terrifying prospect (hehe) for me now. With every tap of a node, I get more and more convinced I am about to die. It will be much less stressful now!

And on an unrelated note, pro-tip to the night elf non-hunters out there: If I have Hunter's Mark on you, Shadowmeld will not help you, even with the new changes.


Cryptography said...

Creating DK's will mean I have to sacrifice otherwise unused alts.

I will likely create one on VeCo horde, Cael alliance, (and cael horde if it allows it!) as well as one other realm. Hmm. Even unused alts are difficult to get rid of!

Cryptography said...

As a followup to my previous comment, I did create DKs on Cael Alliance and VeCo Horde.

Cael has a Drae lady called Mordant. She's Frost spec and has already joined a guild. On the strength of a few quick farming runs and a donation of her spare cloth to the guild bank she's been promoted to officer.

You are limited to one hero class per realm, so I couldn't roll a horde DK there.

On Veco I created a tauren male DK and played about half-way through the starter quests before I decided I didn't like him.
VeCo is an RP-PVP realm and my other toons there are not well named for RP. I wanted to name him "Contemptibull" but thats 13 characters - too long. He was "Avoidabull" while he existed but that felt wrong, even for my naming theme.

So, Avoidabull was sent to the twisting nether a second time. I dabbled a while at the character creation screen, looking at male and female undead, blood elves and orcs. I thought for a bit about a lady tauren to add to my stable of other taurens but she didn't look right and I couldn't think of a name that suited.

Eventually I settled on a lady troll with the randomly generated name "Narzull". She's gathering rested bonus at Arthas's expense for now.