Thursday, February 5, 2009


Patch notes are out for hunters.

Okay, I know this is probably just me — actually, I'm positive this is only me — but I LIKE buying ammo and having a quiver.

*mumble* Plus I just got a brand new quiver.

Yeah, I know it costs money, but — well, so does real life ammo. I know it eats bag space, but why not just make it an extra slot like the key ring? Plus, what are they going to do about all of the engineering ammo recipes and leatherworking quiver and gun pouch recipes in the game? Not to mention the rep vendor stuff.

And now we're gonna have to listen to warlocks bitch about their soul pouches and not have a valid response. Unless the warlock changes I paid absolutely no attention to fixed this somehow.

And now it's gonna be a lot harder to weed the huntards out of groups because no longer will they be the ones who run out of ammo before the first boss. Although maybe this will cut down a little on melee hunters.

Sorry for being grumpy, but the pet changes and Disengage are, quite honestly, the only changes to the hunter class I have actually liked. Every time another patch comes out, I find myself being all chipper and cheerful and, "Oh, well, we needed the nerfs. Oh, well, this will up my PVP survivability. Oh, well, not having to learn pet skills by taming wild animals means we get another usable stable slot."

Dammit, Blizz, stop tempting me to focus more on Ahami or level the baby mage and druid instead of logging on to Ideale. It's not going to work. I love playing my hunter too much.

I really just need time to settle into the changes. I'll get over them. I have gotten over every other change since 3.0. I just like to grouse about them.

On a side note, I am looking forward to the new tier in pet talents. It would be nice to have a way to max out Cinny's DPS instead of just throwing points in random crap I don't even use because heck, what else am I going to do? Plus this could help to alleviate the BM DPS nerf, and brings the tree back to what it was supposed to be, one that focuses as much on pet DPS as the hunter's personal DPS.

And the shaman changes? Hooray! Nothing major aside from combining a few totems to make them slightly more useful and flexible. I'm really excited about combining Healing Stream and Mana Spring totems — I always find myself torn about which to choose. And I'm excited about the chain lightning change because a.) MOAR LIGHTNINGZ and b.) maybe it will hurt less when it hits me. :-D I loooove the shaman changes.

Kamai and Onashne are not really high enough in level for the changes to matter much, but since Kamai will probably stay fire spec into end game (I've played with frost and arcane, and I do want to try frost again with the Water Elemental, but I love setting things on fire), the extra PVP survivability will be nice. And being able to cast more stuff while shapeshifted as a druid is always a plus.


Lilivati said...

I agree. Completely, 100%, without reservation, agree on arrows.

I love my quiver. I still use the one from the epic hunter quest just out of nostalgia, and I cherished my quiver of the night watch on every alliance hunter I've made. I liked stocking up on arrows of different shapes and sizes, and I never minded the drain on my gold. I prided myself on knowing where all the ammo vendors were. But then, I mostly liked the old pet system too- you know, where food and loyalty mattered- and wished they had preserved that while adding the new stuff like the pet trees.

Speaking as a purely PvE player, I hated, HATED, the disengage change. I felt like I was being made to suffer for all the huntards that couldn't figure out how to use the damned thing. And y'know, I still wish we had the old one, but I can acknowledge the new one's value in PvP.

I wrote a giant hunter rant yesterday as a cathartic exercise that I am still debating whether and where to post, and then I woke up today and saw these changes, and wanted to write another five paragraphs. I settled for an angry tweet. >_>

In the rant I compared playing my hunter to a bad relationship with a really awesome guy. Hunter is by far my favorite class, but playing one just makes me sad, frustrated, and angry these days. I'm giving some serious thought to reevaluating my distaste for PvP, because that may be the sphere left where I can play my hunter as I like to play her- using all her abilities, and whatever spec and pet I please.

KC said...

I think that's the biggest thing. I know it's expensive and eats bag space, but I just like the feeling of buying ammo, choosing the best quiver, and so on. It's more "huntery" I guess.

And I still feed my pets. :-D None of them have needed it, but I feed them regularly anyway, because I'm sure they get hungry too.

I love the new Disengage, but I can understand why PVE hunters would not like it. In fact, in PVE, it can be incredibly dangerous and cause a wipe if an idiot is using it. It would have been nice had they integrated it into Wingclip instead, or something that's not a threat dump type skill.

But for PVP, well, in my experience this has doubled my survivability — while I'm a lot better at kiting than I used to be, it still is something I struggle with, and anything that gets me back out of range quickly is a huge help.

With few exceptions (the pet loyalty I will give you, the ammo changes, and a few other things), I've really been pleased with the hunter changes, but I'm a PVPer. If I did PVE, I'd probably be in the same boat.

Most of the "nerfs" have actually improved survivability (at least for BM hunters) in PVP, and made us a bit more versatile there. Much as I love PVP, it could be an exercise in frustration before — I'm finding it much more fun at 80 than I did at 70 on my hunter. (Which is awesome because I loved PVP back then anyway, frustrating or not.)