(Please ignore the awful photo — I had just gotten a new camera and didn't know what the hell I was doing yet.)
We have a small office/storage area in our apartment — it was originally intended to be an office, but my roommates, who are teachers, have stored boxes of school supplies bought out of pocket (yay state budget) there. Because it is a storagey area now, it holds a few empty boxes (for carting school supplies back and forth, I think), which were, until this morning, stacked neatly in a pile.
I'm sitting watching Paranormal State recordings when I hear Sparrow in the office, mewing. Every so often, she will give a little mew and as long as you answer, she's happy, so I just said, "I'm in here, Spar," and went on with my viewing.
Unfortunately, this little questioning mew is the same one she also uses to ask permission to do something (such as steal my stuffed animals — and yes, it's actually asking permission, because if you say "Go ahead," she does whatever she was planning on, but if you say, "No," she runs and sulks under the coffee table). And she interpreted my response as permission, because she's a cat and cats don't speak much English. Or else she just figured I wasn't in there to stop her.
So as she tried to jump into the top box, the entire stack came crashing down, her with it, onto a plastic crate. I go running in there and find her huddled on the crate, eyes wide, shaking. So I comfort her for a minute, then restack the boxes.
By that time, she had recovered, and looked up at me with another one of those little mews. And then, after I pet her, she reached out with a paw, hooked it onto the edge of the bottom box, and pulled the whole stack down again, quite deliberately, and ran like hell for my bedroom. When I finally got the boxes stacked again and went to yell at her, she rubbed all around my ankles and then did what my roomies and I call the Wiggle Worm, where she rolls around on the floor like a kitten — basically, she was cuter than it ought to be possible for a cat to be and I couldn't even be annoyed.
I think my cat is an evil genius.
I've had a really shitty week. Am really glad I saw this post, got a good chuckle out of it.
One of my room mates back in college had a cat that looked very much like Sparrow. She also loved boxes and especially making space in my bookshelves for her to lie in... books be damned!
Glad it cheered you up, though I'm sorry you've had such an awful week. At least it's almost over! I hope the next one is better.
-laughs- That's adorable.
Yeah, it's really, really hard to be angry with kitties... especially when they come up to you and purr and look at you with those eyes...
OMG, the eyes. They know exactly how to make it look like they're about to cry in apology, and no matter how much you remind yourself that cats don't cry, you feel horrible and guilty anyway.
Hi! :-)
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