I've been playing a bit more with Ahami — I sort of forgot my plan to test the Warsong Gulch waters with her last night when I realized I was four bars from ghost wolf with rested XP and a leftover buff from the fire festival (with Ideale's push to 70 and OMGPVPGEAR, I haven't logged onto anyone else except my bank alt in nearly a week) and raced through it.
I personally am not very disappointed. Warsong Gulch is not my favorite battleground — seriously, flag capturing? I realize that what I'm about to say is completely ridiculous, but it's so unrealistic. ("MW, what exactly is realistic about being a blood elf or a troll?" "... My point stands!") And the battles are either ridiculously short or ridiculously long, unless you are a twink in the 19 or 29 brackets you spend most of the time dead, etc. Although I hung out in there a lot before I started leveling Ideale, once I'd been to a real battleground I was like, "Oh, WSG sucks hardcore."
Anyway, I had a point.
I really, really want to play a resto shaman. I know it really doesn't matter in the lower levels, but I just like the concept in general. The problem is, without people to heal, leveling resto is kind of pointless and probably more trouble than it's worth. Which leaves me with three choices:
1. Do at least part of my leveling in instances. I usually hate instances, but I now have a really fun guild and a decently-stocked friends list, and I might be able to scrape together enough similarly-leveled alts between these sources to not hate this too horribly much. ... I really hate some of the instances, though. Especially since I've been running through them for moneys on Ideale. I think Blackfathom Deeps and Zul'farrak are probably just BARELY better than a trip to the dentist, although novocain can be pretty damn cool. There are a handful I like, though (Shadowfang Keep, Uldaman, Blood Furnace), and if I'm not stuck in a PUG, it might be kind of fun, I guess.
2. Respec elemental. (Seriously, I really dislike the concept of the enhancement tree. If I wanted to spend all my time in melee, I'd roll a rogue or something.) This could acceptable, because one of the specs I'd been looking at for 70 was a 30/0/31 hybrid that is supposedly somewhat useful in PVP, though I will most likely just be going with a pure resto tree. However, I chose to level resto for a reason — I tend to develop habits for my characters.
I have Daj, my troll hunter, specced as MM right now, for example, and for some reason thought it was a great idea to put distracting shot on the action bar where I have bestial wrath for Ideale. So I keep hitting "5" expecting a big red kitty and instead getting a pissed mob running for me, and then when I hit feign death, nothing. And I die. (I could rearrange the action bar, I guess, but I'm lazy, and I never group with her, so...) When I do play my paladin or my rogue, I know exactly which hotkey to punch for Hammer of Justice or Sinister Strike. If I'm going to get shaman habits as ingrained, I want them to be ones I'll still be using at 70.
3. Suck it up. (This will probably be the winner, because I rarely play Ahami long enough to get bored or frustrated.)
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