Feel free to skip this entry, as it's full of rambling that is only interesting to myself, horrible run-on sentences, and massive abuse of parentheses and semi-colons.
So I'm pretty sure that Ideale's third stable slot will be filled by Gutripper. I really love the look of her, and I'd love to have another type of pet to play with come the pet talent trees in the expansion. Additionally, since I pretty much just PVP, having a flappy view-blocker will be pretty good, and Snatch, the WotLK family talent for birds of prey, seems like an awesome skill for PVP. Damage plus a 6-second disarm? Awesome. Then I can use Saffron for Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin, where prowl is dead useful, and Gutripper for Alterac Valley and world PVP (switching them up whenever I feel like I've ignored one too long, of course). Cinnamon will continue to be my regular, hangs-out-with-me-all-the-time pet. I am going to give it another few days to be sure, while I fill in pet talents and wait for more news on new pets in WotLK.
But to mitigate my "aww, no kitties" sadness (I almost decided to go with the panther and was even researching Zul'Gurub, but really, especially with how things will change in Wrath, having three cats on one hunter would be pushing my cat obsession to the point of ridiculousness), I sat down and planned out my other hunters who actually see play time. I have been casually kicking out a level or two here and there on them, and once Ahami hits 70, I'd like to level them a little more seriously — Ide and Ahami will continue to be my mains, but I figure I can give my alts a day or two a week at that point.
So, pet acquisition, which might change as more of the new pets become known:
Ideale (beast mastery hunter; currently has Cinnamon, an Elder Springpaw, and Saffron, a Ridge Stalker)
- Get all of the pet skills available, so I can say I did this on at least one hunter (I'm close — just need to fill in a few ranks and grab Warp and Poison Spit at this point).
- Tame Gutripper. Not sure if I will keep her name or rename her yet. It seems wrong to rename her, but Gutripper doesn't fit the theme OMG.
Kresha (survival hunter, will go to end-game; currently has Tack, a Durotar Tiger)
- Tame an Elder Shadowmaw Panther at level 43, to be named Jinx (yay no theme on Kresha!). This is the latest point at which I can get one before Zul'Gurub, meaning I would only have to double-level pets for 27 (or 37, depending on how fast she goes) levels.
- Tame a Dire Raven after hitting level cap. No name chosen yet.
Daj (marksmanship hunter, will go to at least level 59 for PVP brackets, might go to end game; currently has Serai, a Snow Leopard)
- Tame Arash'ethis at 49 (I tamed him on Ideale earlier this week for to get lightning breath ranks and ended up playing with him up to loyalty 3. I liked him a lot, but not for Ideale, especially 20 levels behind, and Kresha's more of a raven kind of girl, so Daj wins!)
- Tame either a Frostsaber or Rak'shiri at 58 (while I think I like the Frostsabers a teeny bit more, since Daj has blue skin, a blue tiger would be neat looking with her, and I haven't seen ANYONE Horde-side on VeCo with one; this would also give her two snowcats)
- Both of Daj's pets will keep their original names.
Tshaya (beast mastery hunter, Alliance side; no real plans for leveling her at this time, but I do play her on occasion; currently has Onryo, a Ghost Saber, and Artemis, a Strigid Hunter)
Tshaya was harder. I don't play her anywhere near as often as my Horde hunters. Sometimes I will play her nearly exclusively for a week straight; right now, the only time I've logged in as Tshaya for almost a month was patch day, to buy an elekk. So I'm keeping the third slot open indefinitely, but if I do get her to the 40s, I'd like to tame a Glassweb Spider from the Burning Steppes, to be named Arachne.
I have no plans to level my other hunters at this time, although I might drag my tauren on Moon Guard to level 10 after the expansion comes out so I can tame a moth. You know what I want to be tamable? Deer! I want a Moongraze Stag so badly I'd give up a cat for one. :-O
Ahami, my resto shaman, has her white kitten, Fog (I really wish you could officially name mini-pets). Once I start leveling Onashne, my future elem shaman, a little and am sure I'm going to keep her, I would like to get her the black tabby (she's been sitting at level 3 while my roomie decides if she wants to play WoW or not, so we can level characters together if she does, but if not, she'll be joining Daj and Kresha in the casual alt rotation).
And hopefully, this will be it for the boring, talking-to-myself entries for a while. :-D
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Sounds like a nice plan.
Planning isnt really something I do much of for any of my Wow characters. Too much planning stuff for work; I'd rather just drift along with vague aims during my game time.
These new "achievements" things in Wrath might be decent mini-goals for me since gear and levelling have small interest.
I love making plans. Following them, not always so much, but there's something really fun to me about planning things. :-) If I don't have something down the road to work toward, I tend to start losing interest in what I'm doing, even if I'm having fun.
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