Sunday, August 31, 2008

The prettiest places in Azeroth

Possibly my absolute favorite thing about World of Warcraft is the scenery. Large portions of the world are absolutely gorgeous — and even when they aren't, they manage to evoke the feelings that the developers obviously intended, such as the Plaguelands.

My very favorite place to watch the sun rise (or set) in Azeroth is Thousand Needles (and I really need to format those screenshots). After that, though, my favorite places to hang out and take in the beauty are Winterspring, Feralas, Zangarmarsh, and of course Nagrand. I always enjoyed the Wetlands when I was playing Alliance-side. And there are parts of the Barrens, Stranglethorn Vale, the Hinterlands, and most of the starting zones that range from pretty to breathtaking, too.

I haven't seen half of what Azeroth has to offer, though.

What are your favorite spots? (I like this ending an entry in a question thing too much, perhaps.)


Cryptography said...

Dust storms in tanaris, or fog in ferelas make for interesting sights as well. I'll agree with you about 1kNeedles being really pretty.

I showed you one of my favorite spots already... and it has the added bonus of being off the beaten track.

Before Bliz nerfed walljumping there were a whole lot of really nice places to go to get a good view. Now you just can't get up there any more! (Eg the front gates of Org)

KC said...

I do like those ruins. I found the dwarfy farm you were talking about, too.

I can't wait to explore Northrend in WotLK. The shots I've seen of the Borean Tundra and the Howling Fjord look gorgeous.