Monday, August 25, 2008

Bear form!

The bear form quest for Horde druids is much easier than the night elf one — Lunaclaw's the same, but the night elf cave is surrounded by higher-level moonkin, whereas the Horde stone is free of enemies. Weird.

EDIT: AAAAAH GIANT BUTT IN MY FACE! I've never actually had to zoom out before. But I literally cannot see half of my tiny, tiny screen as a bear. Because of butt.


Cryptography said...

Hey! When did you start a Druid???

No Fair! soon you will overtake my baby druid!

KC said...


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Land of Big Butts. Get very, very used to it - your butt will serve you in good stead! :)

KC said...

I'm actually a little shocked that I don't hate bear form, considering my intense dislike of the rage bar. I don't LOVE it or anything, and will probably be switching to resto if my leveling buddy chooses to stay a shadow priest, but it's not totally horrible. And dancing as a bear is fun!

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHHA Welcome to the world of Bear Form! All you ever see is your own butt! :D