Saturday, August 30, 2008

I am disappointed

The Cold-Forged Hammer is not nearly as sick as the Ice-Barbed Spear, appearance-wise. The stats aren't quite as awesome, either. But hey, it's still pretty damn fancy.

I do think that Blizz needs to do something about battleground rep gains, though. It's really sad that Ahami can run Alterac Valley ONCE and be 2696 points into Neutral (i.e., almost Friendly), but she had to win — not just play, but WIN — Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin about 10 times each for the Spirit of Competition pet and has 350 rep for each one. I've been playing Ide exclusively in WSG and AB since she hit Exalted with Frostwolf, and she's still Neutral with the Outriders. And she's only past that with the Defilers because of the quests.

I don't care if they make gaining Frostwolf rep harder in the process; it's seriously unbalanced.

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