Hunter: Daj
Level: 10
Destination: Dun Morogh
Route taken: Started in Undercity; went to Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad and picked up flight path; west into Arathi Highlands; south into the Wetlands; through Dun Algaz into Loch Modan; through Valley of Kings into Dun Morogh.
Dangers: If you get hit by mobs in Hillsbrad or Wetlands, you can keep running and usually get away before you die. Avoid the mobs in Arathi - they can take you down with one or two hits. You will die at least three times in Dun Algaz (there are two dwarf mountaineers who wander the tunnels and there is also a station between two tunnels) and in the tunnel between Loch Modan and Dun Morogh.
Alternative routes: I guess you could head north from Stranglethorn Vale, either going through Stormwind on the Deeprun Tram (it'd be a time-consuming corpse hop through Stormwind on one end and Ironforge on the other, though). You could also head north from Stranglethorn through Duskwood, Redridge, Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge, but that would involve more high-level zones in exchange for fewer guards.
Difficulty level: Medium to low. You will be corpse-running parts of this route, but you don't have to go through any real high-level zones or any Alliance cities, and Dun Morogh is fairly empty (at least on my realm) of opposing faction players when you get there. It's pretty easy to avoid death upon arrival.
Some general tips
1. Set your hearthstone. Corpse running in will be enough of a pain; you're not going to want to repeat the process heading back.
2. Strip nekkid. (Your character, not you ... although if you like playing WoW in the nude, that's your business, I guess). I'm serious on this one. I didn't, and every single piece of my equipment was red by the time I got to Dun Morogh, and that was with repairs in Tarren Mill and Hammerfall. Ideale had to float Daj some cash for repairs, as they far outstripped the 5s or so she'd gathered, and I couldn't wreak havoc on Coldridge Valley NPCs like I'd planned because I had no bow, no axe, and no armor.
3. Expect to die. A lot. I made it all the way from Undercity to Arathi with only one death-by-bear, but as soon as I got to Arathi, I pulled raptors and spiders every time I resurrected. I also got nailed by every guard in Dun Algaz between the Wetlands and Loch Modan. I think I died a total of 11-12 times before I made it to snow leopard country.
4. Don't engage mobs. Just run like hell, get as far as you can before you die, and go as far as you can before resurrecting. If you end up in a graveyard farther along than your corpse (for example, in the Thelsamar graveyard when you died in Dun Algaz), use the spirit healer.
5. Keep Track Humanoids on so you can avoid towns at your destination. It may take a bit of searching to find the pet you want, even with Track Beasts on, if you're unfamiliar with the zone and not using Thottbot. But running into humanoid mobs or opposing faction players while hunting can land you yet another corpse run ... and by now you've probably had enough.
In the end, though, it's worth it, because while other hunters are running around Mulgore with swoops, prairie wolves and flatland cougars, I'm there taking down Venture Co. bosses with my pretty white snow leopard (although I'm thinking Serai might "evolve" into a Ghost Saber when Daj turns 20).

Next up: Serai will spend a couple hours in the stable while Daj makes a petless run into Teldrassil. I think that out of all 8 starting zones, this would be the hardest one for a level 10 hunter to get into. I'll be testing that theory tonight.
(Don't worry, Alliance hunters; I spent this morning leveling a night elf hunter for future infiltration shenanigans. As soon as she hits 10, I'll start testing the Horde territory waters.)
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