Monday, May 26, 2008

Slowing down

Last night (she said, "Oh, baby, I feel so down" ... yes, this is how my brain works, and it's not even true. Let's start again.)

Last night, Ideale made her very first trip into the Blasted Lands, and, as I sat and squeed and took lots of screen shots (will post those later), she crossed through the Dark Portal into Outland. And then she picked up the Thrallmar flight path and a handful of quests, killed two of those demon pigs, salvaged a piece of wood, nearly suffered death at the hands of mutants, and headed back to Orgrimmar, because Hellfire Peninsula is scary and I was supposed to have at least 60 AV marks before I was going to cross anyway, and I rushed the last several levels.

In fact, I feel like I rushed everywhere on Ideale, but since she was the first character I had to break 30, I wanted to see EVERYTHING. Which is why my mining, engineering and fishing are in the low hundreds. So my goal now is to get my AV tabard (I know there are much more useful things to spend marks on, but I want it!) and get my mining and fishing to 225, and maybe my engineering too, before I get out of Hellfire Peninsula. That means slowing down. And it probably won't happen, but if I can get a little bit of a jumpstart, it'd be less to grind at 70.

And as I finished up the Horde half of Project Infiltration, I took Kresha over to the Echo Isles and tamed a Durotar Tiger for her. His name is Tack. It's weird, though; when I was leveling Ideale (and I did hit up the Barrens and Mulgore because I wanted a kodo instead of a chocobohawkstrider), it seemed like no one had tigers. Same with Daj (I really like the Barrens and I really like kodos). But the second I tamed one with Kresha, I ran into about six hunters who also had tigers.

I'm on the cutting edge of fashion!

Actually, my semi-goal right now is to level to 59 just in Alterac Valley. I noticed last night that you get miniscule amounts of XP every time things die near you, and I've gone up almost two bars in five games, so ... And goal two is to get Kresha out of the Barrens and up to Ashenvale, where I will not rush through. Even if I am impatient and easily bored. And I will do instances (with Ideale, I ran Shadowfang Keep, Scarlet Monastery Library, Uldaman, Maraudan, Sunken Temple and Zul'Farrak ... and Maraudan and Zul'Farrak are unfinished to this day). Some people want to see Karazhan, I want to see Ragefire Chasm and the Wailing Caverns.


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