Hunter: Daj
Level: 11
Destination: Teldrassil
Route taken: Started in Crossroads; went north to Ashenvale, then northwest into Darkshore; corpse-hopped down the Long Wash and onto the boat; corpse-hopped into Darnassus, rezzed at the Darnassus graveyard.
Dangers: Getting to Auberdine is fairly easy. I got killed once on the way, and that was because I headed over to the Zoram Strand for the flight path. Once you hit Auberdine, though, it's corpse-hop city.
Alternative routes: None.
Difficulty level: High. I spent nearly an hour corpse running, and if you time it wrong, you will have problems both with getting on the boat and getting into the teleporter at Rut'theran Village.
Getting on the boat
This is easiest if you come at the inn from the south. DO NOT RESURRECT AT THE GRAVEYARD. If you do, you will just end up dying in the same place every time. Instead, find your body, run as far toward the Long Wash as you can before rezzing, and then run as far as you can before they kill you again.
The boat to Rut'theran Village is on the righthand dock (the one at the end goes to Azuremyst, and the one on the left goes to Menethil Harbor). There are two guards right at the end of the dock, so die as close to the end as you can — rez and die again if you have to — then wait as a ghost for the boat. When the boat comes, get as far from the guards as you can and rez. They shouldn't aggro if you're up against the opposite rail.
There are no mobs on the dock at Rut'theran, so you can get off the boat safely before dying again.
Getting to the teleporter
This is the tedious part. The teleporter is guarded by five or six Level ?? guards, who surround it. I had planned to run in from the back, but that was nixed because the back was guarded. And when you die in Rut'theran, you get sent back to the Auberdine graveyard. DO NOT TRY TO RUN ACROSS THE WATER. You can still fatigue and "die" as a ghost, and then, instead of your corpse being close to the teleporter, your corpse is in the middle of the ocean. Starting over is not fun, trust me.
Instead, run back to the Long Wash, hop on the boat, and head back to Rut'theran. Inch closer to the teleporter, rez, die, and repeat until you can get your ghost right on the edge of the red light. Rez again, and start running as you materialize, and you're in Darnassus. You'll probably die immediately here, too, but this time, you'll end up at the graveyard right outside Dolanaar, which is pretty deserted. Rez at the spirit healer and run like hell to avoid the Dolanaar NPCs.
Tada! You're in (or should that be on?) Teldrassil.

All the general tips from last time still apply, only this time, leave Track Beasts on until after you reach Maestra's Post in Ashenvale (yes, even by Astranaar — the Alliance NPCs don't come out of the village, so you should be safe as long as you don't go in). The beasts that wander around Ashenvale seem to have pretty high aggro radiuses (radii?) so it's best to give them a wide berth.
Oh, and I left Daj's shirt and pants on because I didn't want her to have to run around looking like a bank alt, but the rest of her clothing and her weapons were safely stored away this time.
In two runs, I've run into multiple player characters but no one ganked me. I don't know if this is because Alliance players are abnormally nice to level 10s, since they never had any trouble ganking Ideale once she hit Hillsbrad, or if your PVP flag doesn't turn on in enemy territory at that low a level. Anyone know?
EDIT: I was told after running this that you can ghost-run to the cemetery nearest your destination, log out, log back in, and rez there, no matter where you died. I will try this on the next run, which will be either Azuremyst Isle or Eversong Woods, depending on whether Kresha or Dayea dings 10 first (which might take a week or two — I play them for about 15 minutes at a time). Dayea's a couple levels closer, but I really, really hate the night elf starting zone. Like, a lot.
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