Saturday, November 1, 2008

I raided!

Sort of. My guild was in SSC today and downed either Tidewalker or Lurker, I don't know, and someone had to go right before Vashj. So one of the guild leaders whispers if I want to come.

Now, I am not at all geared for that on Ide. Hell, I'm barely geared for HEROICS on Ide — I am half in greens and rep blues and half in PVP gear. I don't even HAVE a PVE set. And I said so, but he was like, "We don't care, come on."

So we got Vashj to phase two, apparently, but wiped on all the adds. It was still pretty cool up until then, though!

So ... yeah. Sheer madness. And despite only being in for the last 20 minutes or so, it was a blast; not at all what I expected based on the sheer painfulness of five-mans. Definitely something I'd like to try again.

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