Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fail is ...

1. Night elf rogues who camped the Isle of QQ and picked off all of the freshly-minted 70s in quest greens, but only if they had two mobs on them and didn't fight back. And then camped.

2. Level 75 night elf hunters who camp Skorn in Howling Fjord and pick off level 70-71s, but only when they have two mobs on them and don't fight back. And then camp.

Are these the same person? YOU DECIDE.

Seriously, the one time his stupid gorilla missed and I fought back, he ran off, only to come back as soon as I was drinking and finish me off. I am a level 70 resto shaman, did he really think I was gonna kill him? (Although he did get killed by a 71 warlock twice, so maybe.)

I actually asked the rogue on the realm forum if that was his hunter, but I'm almost positive it is the same person, since the rogue hasn't been touched in weeks and they have the same modus operandi. Totally has to be the same guy. A 71 druid ended up camping him. I sent him golds. :-D

I love to PVP, but when the odds are already stacked way in your favor and you still need to camp in the most cowardly way possible? Well, when another player sees you at half health and assassinates you after I bitch in General, I will pay them.

1 comment:

Cryptography said...

Corpsecamping is the one thing in pvp that really really sucks... but also has a simple remedy if Bliz wanted to do something about it. After you have been killed by someone, that killer should not be able to hurt you in any way for, say, 30 seconds after respawn. That number could increase for subsequent kills.

Of course that needn't apply in pvp battlegrounds or world pvp areas.