No less than an hour after my copy of Wrath was delivered, not only had I parked Ideale in Howling Fjord and reset her hearthstone, I'd also dragged Ahami off to the Borean Tundra (with her hearth still set to Garadar in Nagrand, in case said Tundra ends up being too difficult/tedious for her to tackle alone, though I'm hoping various guildies will want a pocket healer to chill with — haha, chill, get it?).
Oh, but my lack of willpower does not end there. It does not end there at all.
For I spent the remainder of my time before work leveling Silang, my death knight, partway into 56.
At first impression, death knights are ... different. I really dislike melee in general. I leveled a rogue to the mid-twenties once and loved the lockpicking and stealthing but despised the melee. I currently bounce between feral and balance on a druid. I like feral, but like the option of range. My highest warrior got to level 3; my paladin mostly healed or AOE'd (I realize now that I spent most of my time on my pally trying to play a mage ...).
The classes I've enjoyed the most have been hunters and healers (though I am growing mildly fond of mages as well, and in fact spent my frustration this morning leveling a troll mage to ... 8? I think?). I like standing in the back. I'm good at standing in the back. You can tell I suck at melee when I do better in PVP on a hunter than a rogue.
I was not planning on even rolling a death knight, let alone enjoying it. I mostly did it out of a perverse curiosity — I followed two guildies around for about half an hour last night, and then listened to people talking about hearing voices and so on, and it sounded kind of new and neat. And the quests looked fun. I rolled Silang for the same reason I rolled Ideale — to check out the start zone.
So I was really surprised to find that I'm really, really liking it. I put her points into the Unholy tree so far, but I will probably switch to Frost, since that seems to have a few more options as far as getting away from pure melee. It's a very interesting change both in playstyle and mindset. I tend to be obsessive over my health bar — it rarely budges on my hunters or baby mages (yay range!) and is constantly being refilled on my shamans and druid (yay healers!), so actually watching it go down is freaking weird. Meanwhile, my playstyle is currently running around like a spaz spamming whatever I am in range to spam, though I'm getting the hang of not panicking and almost dying. But how does one stay behind a mob when you are soloing?
The storyline in the starting area is pretty damn cool, too, though I feel kind of mean. Here's what I mean about mindset — with the exception of Daj, who is a bit "roguelike" in her point of view, all of my toons are kind of carebears at heart. Ideale likes a good fight, but will help out enemy youngsters if she runs across them in the wild. Ahami is a healer — I think she's actually earned maybe 100 HKs from offensive action (and many of those in defense), versus about 1400 from healing people who were doing the killing. She kills when it's necessary and isn't wishy-washy about it, but is more focused on keeping things alive than making them dead. Onashne is a druid who will someday be a tree. 'Nuff said. None of my Alliance toons PVP (I did two battlegrounds on Tshaya before giving up with a huge sense of guilt — killing Horde is just wrong).
So having this character who voluntarily chose to join Arthas and is now running about killing farmers begging for their lives is a bit creepy, even knowing that she will be going good eventually. But coming up with a backstory and motivations to explain why she's doing what she's doing was really kind of fun.
I'm pretty sure I will be keeping her and actually leveling her, even if I end up not caring much for the class. If I like it (and I think it's different enough that it'd be a nice "downtime" class to play around with when I'm not in the mood to work on my mains), I'll pick up engineering and herbalism on her (Ide has mining), and then drop herbalism for alchemy on Ahami. If I dislike it, well, she's still 25 levels closer to 80 than my druid or survivalist, and I only play them with friends anyway, so she can be a gatherer and badass bank alt, and I'll pick up engineering on Ide and alchemy on Ahami. It's win-win.
Now I have the sad duty of cleaning out my log-in screen — I have a lot of trouble deleting characters, but with three upcoming twinks, I can at least transfer funds and randomcrap and get rid of my bank alts, as well as the priest Silang started out as. I want to keep at least a couple of slots free for future hero classes or experimental alts, and right now, I'm using all 10. I'll probably transfer Kresha to Feathermoon eventually, after Christmas maybe — I want to check out the Horde side over there, have no need for three hunters on one realm, and can't bear to delete her.
EDIT: *pokes at Blizz* C'mon, update the armory already. And also let us rearrange our toons on our log-in screen — it bugs me that mine are not in order by level.
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