Monday, December 15, 2008

Rethinking twinking

I had originally planned to make a pair of AV twinks, one survival hunter and one elemental shaman.

But since I now have an elemental shaman Alliance side (who will be going resto later), I have to say I'm just not really into elemental spec at all. And while I am still leveling another two hunters for fun, I want the Conqueror title for Ideale and I don't think I'll be PVPing much on the other two until she gets it. (Ditto for Ahami, actually.)

I've also been thinking that if I am going to make twinks, I should make them in classes I haven't played yet, for two reasons: 1. I can learn their weaknesses and then exploit them on my other toons; 2. when Blizz finally does start giving XP for battleground PVP like they keep saying they will and my twinks inevitably level, do I really want, like, six level 80 hunters and shamans? Plus, while I don't like any of the other classes enough to make them my main characters, I am finding that in short bursts — an hour or two here and there — they can be a whole lot of fun.

So my current plans have changed. Onashne is sitting pretty at level 30, and I have my troll magey and now an orc warlock* who I have been playing here and there for a break from Northrend. I will get some friends to run me through stuff so I can gear them for the 30-39 bracket, and there they will stay until Ahami, Ideale and Silang are all nice and leveled and maybe even geared a bit, and then I will see where to go from there. Maybe I'll level them for AV; maybe I'll leave them alone until the PVP XP starts, I don't know.

I am guessing that the title of this blog is now somewhat misleading, since hunters aren't my whole focus anymore (though I'm starting to get there with Ideale now in action again!). :-/

*I liked the human storyline and I really do want to try warlock PVP, so I am trying an orc, because maybe the secretive thing will make it more fun.


Cryptography said...

Warlocks are great fun. They are decent enough below 10, quite fun 10-20 and get better and more flexible as they go up from there.

I usually play as affliction, which wen specced right can just keep going and going and going and going. They dont seem to have the outright killing power in PvE that hunters of the same level do but still have little trouble with the mobs. Self heals are great!

Lore and RP wise, I'd chose a BE or Forsaken over an orc. The "New" horde dont need more orcs dabling in demonic summoning. Undead and BE are evil to the core anyway!

KC said...

Well, for PVP, I think the orc talents are probably better, and since it's for a twink ...

In other words, I am less worried about RP and more about racial benefits in PVP, though at the 39 bracket, I think WotF would really be the only one that made much difference.

I'm finding I'm really not fond of how orcs run (superficial, I know), and I just hit the Barrens and don't think I can stand doing them again. So I might reroll as a blood elf — I can't seem to stick with my undead 'locks.